I understood that there was a provision in the planning agreement which allowed the developer/landowner to claw back the land if it was not used for outdoor sport within 5 years.
With all the recent talk about the stadium I asked to see that agreement, which I have had difficulty accessing on the Council website. The five year clawback is there but that period has not started yet.
However, to my horror, I found that there is another deadline. The Council has to decide by a date, which could be as early as 10th March this year, whether to take an option over the relevant land for £1. It also must decide who takes the option and which out of two pieces of land to take. If it fails to do this then the Council would end up with a sum of £330,000 instead for open space elsewhere. This sounds a lot but would be nowhere nearly as valuable.
Frankly, I am surprised that the Council has not already taken up this option. It would be
terrible for the deadline to be missed.
I am asking the Leader of the Council to confirm that the option will be exercised in time.
To lose this opportunity by default would be disastrous.
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