Friday, 19 June 2015

Do the Council know what they are doing?

A few months ago, with great fanfare, the Council cut the first turf for their £15m new office to share with BT at Bodmin.

Now we are told that the performance of BT against the contract is not good at all.

I am afraid that I have lost confidence in the Council's ability to negotiate and manage deals of this size. I am sorry to say that they appear to be outmanoevred and attempting to operate in a league or two above their own.

They also look inconsistent and disorganised. First, members are advised to do a huge deal with BT. We eventually decided to do a small deal as a pilot project and to try to take the opportunity to have an integrated IT deal with our health partners.

This was followed by a bout of enthusiasm and empire building. But the enthusiasm very quickly collapsed.

This does not bode well for the Council's 'bespoke outsourcing' contract between Cormac and Nottinghamshire County Council, under which Cornwall is, effectively, the entity to which (road maintainance)services for Nottingham County Council are to be outsourced.

Is it really too severe to ask if the Council know what they are doing?

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