Friday, 5 June 2015

275 more houses proposed in Highertown: public meeting 9th June


275 houses behind Carrine Rd, Valley View Drive, Valley Close and Penn An Dre
At All Saints Church Highertown
The revised plans can be viewed in the lobby of the Church until the planning meeting to decide this application (expected to be 6th July 10am at County Hall- opposite Sainsburys).
By kind permission of the new vicar, Jeremy Edwards, the church will be open at least between 8.30am and 6pm during this period.
The revised application is an 'outline' one so details may change.
Please raise any concerns you have directly with the Council by 15th June online at : (follow links to Planning Applications) or direct to Planning and Enterprise Service,Cornwall Council,Circuit House,Pydar Street,TruroTR1 1EB Quote PA14/04970
Updates on what is happening will be posted on the notice board in Shop on corner of Newbridge Lane and in Church lobby and on gate into playing field on Newbridge Lane.
Please feel free to contact me on this or any other issues of concern.

Fiona Ferguson CC
Cornwall Councillor
07731 548 139

1 comment:

  1. Dear Cllr Ferguson,
    Re this application, I do feel enough is enough, where do they propose that all the extra traffic is going to go, because Newbridge Lane is not going to be able to cope. I look forward to seeing the plans, but I feel nothing should be done or decided until the Rachard Lander development is completed and everything that was promised for that development is in place ( traffic lights etc.)
    Yours faithfully,
