Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Council Toilet U Turn

My first reaction on hearing (from the Cornish Guardian) that the Council's public toilets would not, after all, be closed, was delight.
After that I think we are all entitled to ask:
1.  What took the Council, which is supposed to represent Cornwall, so long to listen to public opinion?
2. How is the new decision being funded as the Council say they have 'no money'?
3. What does it say for democracy if decisions of the Council are changed behind closed doors and then members just find out about them from the Cornish Guardian ?
4. Does the Council know what it is doing? On Monday lunchtime the Leader tells Laurence Reed 'no money'. On Tuesday morning he tells Cornish Guardian toilets are saved.
5. Won't the parishes who took over their public toilets feel conned?
6.Surely this must be good news for other services such as leisure centres which the Council has threatened to close.  How much money are the Council wasting on working up 'local solutions/alternative delivery models' etc only to back down?
7. Will anyone believe what the Council say ever again?

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