Tuesday, 7 July 2015

'LOBOs': Call for Independent Inquiry

 Those who have been following the story highlighted by the Channel 4 Dispatches programme will realise that Cornwall Council have been dealing in complex loans through which £millions of Cornwall's money could be lost.

Some questions that need answered :
1. What is the cost to the Council of these deals which can even involve compensating banks for the cost of complex derivatives such as Bermudan swaptions?
 2. Why was the Council taking bets on interest rates?
 3. Why has the Council failed to be transparent about these deals? Other Councils are.
 4. Why does the Council not appear to comply with CIPFA guidance on LOBOs?

I am calling for an independent enquiry on what risks Cornwall Council has been taking on complex LOBO (Lender Option Borrower Option) loans.

Clive Betts MP the chairman of the Local Government Parliamentary Select Committee has been particularly outspoken and said, "I think the FCA [Financial Conduct Authority] now ought to investigate this, and if it hasn't got the powers then the government ought to consider giving it the powers to regulate this in the future."

Mr Betts may well get things under way first. If he does then I expect Cornwall Council to play a prominent and transparent role.

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