Thursday, 28 May 2015

West Langarth: 'stadium enabling application': Open Letter to INOX

Dear Rob,

To ensure clarity around what this application provides in terms of a Stadium and replacement open space and the timetable for those, I would be grateful if you would immediately publish the relevant documentation ie Section 106 agreement, any bond, trust or other document that is part of the contractual matrix that is designed to ensure that this project will happen.

This is especially important as the availability of Government money now means that there is not only one option open to Cornwall. This particular project, which has the benefit of being further ahead than any other, has disadvantages for Truro eg the grant of a planning application in a place otherwise considered inappropriate, causing adverse impact on the City Centre and the relinquishment of 11 acres of public playing fields. It is also highly complex.

This will enable there to be satisfaction that the scheme will happen and that can be weighed in the balance by the Planning Committee on 16th June against adverse impacts. It should avoid last minute arguments on the ˜legals˜ as occurred in March. So, I hope you will welcome it.

Kind Regards
Fiona Ferguson
Cornwall Council Truro Trehaverne

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