Friday 14 March 2014

More about Commuter parking problem in Truro.

The Council's consultation scheme on a residents' parking scheme for the  Newbridge area finished on 28th February.

There was support for a scheme in Newbridge Lane, Newbridge Way, Valley Close and Valley View Drive.  So I am expecting the Council to proceed with a scheme in those roads.

There was not sufficient support for a scheme to be introduced in Carrine Road, Evea Close and Wheal Sperries Way.  These roads do not have a significant problem at the moment but were included because of the concern that Newbridge parking may be displaced to those roads. But the support is not there.

Yellow lines will be installed at the junction of Newbridge Lane and  Carrine Road to make that junction safer for traffic emerging from Carrine Road.

The yellow lines proposed on the spur of Newbridge Way are not considered necessary as a permit scheme is being installed.

I am concerned that traffic calming may be required on Newbridge Lane when there is a lot less traffic there but officers have advised me that I need to wait and see what the impact is.

At the same time as the Council carried out an informal consultation in the Newbridge area on residents' parking, the Dudman Estate and Malabar were also consulted but there was very little support for similar schemes there.

The Newbridge scheme was funded by the planning application (a couple of years ago) for the Medical Innovation Centre. There is no budget allocated by this Council for these types of schemes (see yesterday's blog).

The main issue in this area is parking for the hospital. I am often asked why the Council does not require the hospital to sort out its parking problem. That is not within the Council's powers. However, there are many deals available to hospital staff on parking such as permits whose price is linked to their rate of pay. There is also the availability of  the park and ride. The hours of operation of this are restricted. At my request the Council did experiment with extending these hours into the evening but at the time there was little take up. I have asked that the Council try this again.

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